Creating a game based on ideas from three distinct individuals, is a challenging journey. Our team comes from a variety of backgrounds, fantasy genres and experiences. Navigating these differences and finding common ground is all part of creating a game. To bring everything together, we worked through our various playstyles and visions to build a fun and robust game. Let me introduce you to the team of designers

Dean Nabors

Dean has been running and playing RPGs almost as long as the hobby has been alive. With all this experience, what better way to give back to the industry then to use this experience to create an RPG that will appeal to the players.

Nathan Rule

Nathan is the cog that moves the wheel. Many people can write and think up ideas, but getting it all designed into something useable is a tough job. Graphics, marketing, networking, organization, branding and many other hats are being juggled by Nathan. Sometimes even successfully.

Sam Wilkinson

Sam brings the many years of running games at the table, that helps keep our game grounded and enjoyable. Making it streamlined and removing the bloated clutter that just makes the game slower, is an important part of design that he provides and cannot be forgotten.